Hand bag, a convenient tool for people to carry. It is also called tote bag, handbag, etc. It is a relatively cheap container for holding articles.
Hand bag is also called tote bag, handbag, etc. It is a cheaper container for storing articles. The materials used are paper, plastic, and non-woven fabric. This type of product is usually used in manufacturers to hold products; some also hold gifts when giving gifts; there are still many avant-garde westerners who use handbags as bag products. Due to the low price and variety of handbags, It can well reflect the personality of the user, the mood at the time, and can be matched with other costumes, so it is more and more loved by young people.
Basic composition of hand bag:
Bag surface: The surface composed of width and height is called the bag surface, which is divided into the front and back sides. The side that needs to be folded back is the back side.
Organ: It is organ-shaped and is the connecting position of the front and back of the hand bag
Triangular stand: Support the triangular part of the bottom of the bag that is folded back inside the bag organ
Edge strips: jammed paper that is placed in the pocket folds of the bag is called edge strips
Gutter: At the interface between the bag surface and the organ, the part of the glue is called the gutter